YP100JV, special call in memoriam Jules Verne

Introducing ham radio at the Atlantykron Summer Academy 2005

Commemorating 100 years since the death of the great sci-fi writer Jules Verne, the 2005 Atlantykron Summer Academy, named this year "Captain at fifteen", hosted, for the first time in its sixteen year history, a ham radio station that worked under the YP100JV special callsign.

All started in 1990 when a group of enthusiast science fiction writers and fans put the bases on a small island on the Danube River of the later known "SF Summer Creation Camp". Years later, in 2001, this summer camp became what we now know as "The Summer Academy of Prospective Science, Futurology and SF", the same edition that hosted a prestigious international manifestation: The European Science Fiction Convention EUROCON. This year, for a 10 days period, between 5-14 of August, the camp acomodated some 200 teenagers and lecturers from diferent regions of the country who took part in various activities such as science workshops, eco-jurnalism courses, education tourism courses, publicity workshop, survival course, sports and other funny games and contests. More information at the official web site: www.worldgenesis.org.

Our main goal was to shine some light over ham radio and its role, as opposed to the common belief that this is a mere hobby. Thus there were a few related activities, such as demonstrative QSOs in telegraphy (CW), phone (SSB) and digital modes (RTTY and PSK31), documentary videos and discussions about distress signaling (at the Survival Course held by our friend Ciprian "Cip" Chisega).

YP100JV also participated in the YO VHF/UHF National Contest that took place on 13th and 14th of August 2005 (check the log for more info).

Other radio related activities: the receiving of images from NOAA weather sattelites and radioastronomy.


Ferry No.2.

Florin Munteanu's class.

Cip, Andrei & Cezar.


"Poiana lui Ciocan".

  Oversized Pixel Team, opt.ro

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