despre membri expeditii urgenta spatiu educatie altele

Legatura a fost cu: National Soaring Museum, Elmira, New York, telebridge via IK1SLD
Intrebarile planificate sa fie puse:
1. What made you want to become an astronaut?
2. Have there been any injuries on board?
3. What's a day in space like?
4. How do you stay stationary on space walks if the ISS is moving?
5. How far can you be from Earth and still talk to Mission Control?
6. Have you ever been on a mission that's gone badly?
7. How does microgravity feel?
8. How fast does the ISS go, and can you feel it moving?
9. Has there been any "unearthly" sightings?
10. What are you studying?
11. Were you scared when you went into space?
12. How do you talk to your family?
13. What courses in school do you have to take to be an astronaut?
14. What does it feel like to enter and exit the atmosphere?
15. Are space walks difficult?
16. Is microgravity difficult to deal with?
17. Do you bring something with you to remind you of home?
18. How long does it take to become an astronaut?
19. How do you control the rocket that takes you to the Space Station?
20. What's the most rewarding thing about being an astronaut?

La pranz, vreme frumoasa ... 24,5 grC.
Urmatorii ne-am pregatit pentru deplasare pe deal la Ipotesti: YO8AZQ, YO8TLC, YO8SSQ, YO8SBR, YO8SSH, YO8SJD (impreuna cu toata familia!), YO8SST. Avem o noua antena: XQuad de la WIMO.
Se face seara si incepe sa bata vantul, dar suntem hotarati!
Ajungem pe deal si deabia reusim sa montam toate cele necesare, pe un vant de peste 50 Km/h, iar temperatura scade puternic (este deja intuneric). Reusim cu 40 minute inainte de trecerea ISS, iar noi ne retragem in masini. Asteptam. Vantul se inteteste. Vine ora, YO8TLC este ajutat de YO8SSQ sa tina antena ...
Semnalele sunt puternice, dar cu ceva QSB de la faptul ca nu se putea tine antena pe directie.
Trece ISS, iar noi ne retragem in masini, pentru cateva minute. Apoi demontam totul in viteza si ... spre Club. Pe drumul de intoarcere incepe sa ploua usor ...
Cand scriu acestea temperatura afara este sub 2 grC!
Inregistrarea sonora ...

Inapoi la alte activitati relativ la comunicatii spatiale

sau ISS


ISS este la orizont. Numai YO8TLC, YO8SSQ si fotograful (YO8SBR) sunt afara. Restul suntem in trei masini ...