despre membri expeditii urgenta spatiu educatie altele

Legatura a fost cu: Slovanské Gymnázium Olomouc, Olomouc, Moravia, Czech Republic
Intrebarile planificate sa fie puse:
1.  What is it like eating in zero gravity?
2.  How can you relax on the ISS? Do you have time to watch movies?
3.  Is the day/night cycle the same as on Earth? Are you on shifts?
4.  What was the most difficult or strangest thing to get used to on the ISS?
5.  Does your stay in space have any influence on your health and if so, how?
6.  What do you miss most from gravity on Earth?
7.  How do you deal with the isolation from your family?
8.  Is it possible to catch a cold on the ISS or is it a completely sterile environment?
9.  Can you use a 3D printer in the same way as on Earth?
10.  How do you overcome weightlessness when back on Earth?
11.  Does time pass slower or faster in your daily routine aboard the ISS compared to life on Earth?
12.  Do you access the Internet in the same fashion as on Earth?
13.  Do you have any musical instruments on the ISS?
14.  Are you planning a stay of a small pet aboard the ISS?
15.  Are there any special items that you carry with you all the time?
16.  What do you think is the biggest problem for humans to go beyond low earth orbit?
17.  How are you being filmed during a spacewalk?
18.  Is it possible to compare life on ISS to somewhere on Earth?

Echipa care a efectuat receptia din partea noastra a fost: YO8TLC, YO8AZQ, YO8SST si YO8SJD.

Deoarece pentru Romania a fost o trecere cu elevatia maxima de 82 grade, au fost auzite aproape toate raspunsurile. Inregistrarea se poate auzi aici.
Au mai fost incercati si alti sateliti, in banda de 70cm..

Inapoi la alte activitati relativ la comunicatii spatiale

sau ISS


A mai aparut inca un post de lucru ... (foto YO8SST)