Bats Cave Rarau Suceava County
Author: Adrian DONE, Adrian MURARIU, Oana CHACHULA
Coordonator: Tatiana Done (Speleological Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina")
Publication by: Speleologic Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina"
ISBN No: 978-973-8914-33-9 (504.06)
Publishing: Speleological Foundation Bucovina, 40p, A5, Suceava, 2011
Languages: RO
The book presents a scientific reservation, until today unique in the North of the Oriental Carpathiens: Pestera Liliecilor The Bats Cave.
The book is premier in many ways: the attention is turned on a cave with no aesthetics; it tries to highlight the researches made in the cave in the last 50 years; it presents the largest cave formed by gravitational traction in Romania; it presents the cave with the largest bat collony in the Eastern part of the country; it tries to challange reserchers to make a better and improved map of this book.
The first chapter presents the history of research, as shown in different published works. Firstly, it is an exploratory treaty, then of bat collony research, and last, of obtaining the statute of scientific reservation.
The second chapter describes the cave from its' two aspects:geological and speleological find. These are done by analysing the environment in which it formed: climat and hidrology. From the biological point of view, it only has one strong point: bats hibernation and their inportance and protection. The other forms of life discovered in the cave are also brought to attention.
The third chapter represents the challange for the future, for researchers. To find and publish more information about this cave and reservation.
The photos included in the book are a good representation of the real image so that the reader can feel closer to the cave.
You can order the book by contributing with 30 lei to The Speleological Foundation Bucovina. We answer promptly to any request or question at the address speo.bucovina [at] yahoo.com
Species and habitats of community interest in Natura2000 sites Suceava County
Author: Elena CENUSA
Coordonator: Tatiana Done (Speleological Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina")
Translate: Laura DONE
Publication by: Speleological Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina"
ISBN No: 978-973-8914-33-9 (504.06)
Publishing: Terra Design, 80p, A5, Suceava, 2009
Languages: RO
Review: This volume is the presentation of Natura2000 sites in Suceava County. What are these? Designated by the Natural Network of Protected Areas Natura2000 at national and European level, these are protected areas. The network represents the effort of the European Union to protect the most representative habitats and species within its' teritory.
The book mentions each site in Suceava County and the types of habitats and species of communitary interest they contain. For bird species, only sites with avifaunistic importance are mentioned, even if many birds also live in the other sites described in the book.
Knowledge and protection of bats in Romania
Author: Victor GHEORGHIU, Dumitru MURARIU, Vasile DECU, Adrian DONE, Viorel NISTOR
Coordinator: Victor Gheorghiu (Romanian Federation of Chiropterology)
Abstract: History of bats research in Romania, biological cycle and roots for bats on side and guideline for bat identification and map with distribution of these mammals from Romania on the other side are presented in this book.
Publication by: Romanian Federation of Chiropterologie and Speleologic Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina"
ISBN No: 978-973-749-134-3
Languages: RO
Publishing: University Press, 126p, A4, Bucuresti, 2007
Review: From the beginig, the reader is informed that the volume includes articles presented in the National School of Chiropterology organised during 2001-2007 by the Information Studies and Bat Protection Center of the Romanian Chiropterological Federation and the Speleological Federation "Emil Racovita". The book representes the manual for the students of the Chiropterological School.
There are five chapters: the history of research and protection of bats in Romania, the origin and evolution of bats, present bats, biological cicle of bats, ciclul, bat shelters. Treating the identification of bats, there are 3 chapters: the sintetic detector that facilitates the fast determination of a species, a necesary situation in case of monitoring a shelter; the atlas of species in Romania with their distribution in Europe; identifying species during flight based on siluet, hunting styles and ecolocation emisions. This chapter also includes the description and way of use of the most well known software used for bat speccies identification this subject is much more developed in the CD attached to the book. The last chapter contains conservation and bat protection with: regression causes, rules protecting bats and habitats, national and international legislation in this area. The volume also has a glossary of terms.
BATS let's know, love and protect them!
Book for gymnasiums
Author: Adrian DONE, Dumitru MURARIU, Victor GHEORGHIU, Tatiana DONE, Laura DONE
Coordonator: Tatiana Done (Speleological Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina")
Abstract: Scholars awareness about the biology, morphology, ethology and the need of Bat protection are the main topics of this optional book for gymnasiums. Most of the 30 bat species from the Romania fauna are present with their main features to be recognized in nature.
Publication by: Romanian Federation of Chiropterologie and Speleologic Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina"
ISBN No: (3)978-973-1772-03-5 (599.4)
Publishing: Speleological Foundation Bucovina, 92p, A5, Bucuresti, 2007
PDF Avaible at: BATS let's know, love and protect them!
Languages: RO
Review: For a better trainig of students in knowing and protecting bats, The Speleological Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina" initiated an awarenes campagne at a gymnasium level since 2001. This way, many teachers redirected their students to take optional classes in this domain.
This book is presented in an attactive form, with lots of ilustrations about morphology, biology and adaptations of bats. Youngsters can learn the main bat species in Romania, the relationship between human and bats in economical and historical manner, but also the advantages we have from accepting these creatures. The importance of not intervining in bats' life and habitats is also highlighted. For those what with to involve in protecting bats, the book describes a series of ways to build houses for bats and the rules taht apply to shelter protection.
The magazine of the Romanian Federation of Chiropterology, No. 1
Executive Director: Dr. Dumitru MURARIU corespondet member of the Romanian Academy
Redactor: Victor GHEORGHIU
ISSN No: 1843-4495
Languages: RO
Publication by: The Speleological Foundation - vol 1, 48 p; vol II, 125, Suceava, 2007
The magazine hosts articles from the most valuable resercers in biological, speleological and chiropterological fields. It has a valuable and scientific content written in a matter understandable for all. In this way, the magazine can be read by people that know little about bats or caves but are eager to read and find out.
The magazine of the Romanian Federation of Chiropterology, No. 2
Executive Director: Dr. Dumitru MURARIU corespondet member of the Romanian Academy
Redactor: Victor GHEORGHIU
ISSN No: 1843-4495
Languages: RO
Publication by: The Speleological Foundation - vol 1, 48 p; vol II, 125, Suceava, 2007
The magazine hosts articles from the most valuable resercers in biological, speleological and chiropterological fields. It has a valuable and scientific content written in a matter understandable for all. In this way, the magazine can be read by people that know little about bats or caves but are eager to read and find out. |
Protection of bats and forest, a bilateral advantageous relation
Author: Dumitru MURARIU, Victor GHEORGHIU, Adrian DONE, Viorel NISTOR
Coordonator: Dumitru Murariu (Federatia Romana de Chiropterologie)
Abstract: The need of Bat protection from protection from forest to understand the importance of bats in pest control as well as the knowledge of the national and international legislation to protect and forest are presented in this book.
Publication by: Romanian Federation of Chiropterologie and Speleologic Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina"
ISBN No: 978-973-749-191-6
PDF Avaible at: Protection of bats and forest, a bilateral advantageous relation
Languages: RO
Publishing: University Press, 135p, A5, Bucuresti,2007
Review: The present book is cry out for the protection of bats in forests. The authors are trying to make the rangers and the authorities in charge of Natural and National Parks in Romania aware of the importance of bats and their role in biological control in the forests. In this purpose, the book also contains information about national and internatinal laws on bat protection. The book describes the areas in Romania and in the world where bats live, their biology and unique particularities that help them adapt, and the problems the bats face in an environment under anthropogenic pressure. One chapter talks about bat detectors and how to find and recognize them, and another chanper about human interactions with bats. In a separate chapter you can find what kind of forest habitats different species prefer and their distribution in Romania. At the end of the book there are a series of proposed measures for bat protection necessary for each administrative unit and a series of ideas of management plan elaboration.
between Legend and Truth
Author: Nicolae VALENCIUC, Tatiana DONE
Coordonator: Tatiana Done (Speleological Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina")
Abstract: The wonderful and fascinating underground world determined Tatiana Done to get together scientific data from prof.dr. Nicolae Valenciuc to print this book with the aim to clarify the role of Bats in nature and the wrong legends about them. Information about their biology, anatomy and ethologic urge the readers to understand and act for Bat protection.
Photos: Adrian Done, Dumitru Pintileasa, Irina Ifrim, Ioan Coroiu, Laura Done, Oana Chachula
Publication by: Musatinii (first edition, 108p,2001), second edition 116 p, Suceava, 2006
ISBN No: 973-7627-13X(599.4)
PDF Avaible at: Bats
between Legend and Truth
Languages: RO
Review: The authors structured their work in two parts.The first part, "The legend" tries to fill a whole in the chiropterological literature. Synthesizing the metaphysical and historical information on bats and how they are reflected, influence perception of their existence on human beings.
The second part talks about the "Truth" of bats, including a short description of their anatomy and biology, talking about bats in the world with a focus on Euroepan species.
There's a specific attention given to certain sites that were researched by profesor Nicolae Valenciuc, results of his research being published in numerous scientific publications.
This book is written to be read by all interested to know bats. At the same time, the information given about bats' life can be found to be fascinating for those coming into contact with these mammals.
After finishing the book one can come the conclusion that bats are important and their protection strongly justified. Finally, the excelent graphics manage to highlight the information, but also the special illustrations which complement the understanding of the book, have to be mentioned as to make the book whole. |
Author: Cornel Lupescu, Daniela Venera Rusu
Coordonator: Tatiana Done (Speleological Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina")
Publication by: Speleologic Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina"
ISBN No: 973-87695-4-X
Publishing: Accent Print, 80p, B5, Suceava, 2006
Review:Somewhere, in North of Romania, protected by the peaks of the Carpathian Mountains, you can find a place like no other Bucovina. "A place like no other" refferes to Bucovina in its' whole: nature, people and traditions treasured even in these days when human spitit goes wild easier and traditions adn forgotten.
In addition to this, Bucovina is being held in history, in legend even, for the most beautiful treasures in all time: the monasteries.
Who wants to come to know the places and people of Bucovina can pick the small city in the heart of this area Campulung Moldovenesc and the surrounding villages.
Nature reserve in Bucovina
Author: prof.dr.Marcian BLEAHU, Tatiana DONE
Coordonator: Tatiana Done (Speleological Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina")
Translate: Laura DONE
Publication by: Speleologic Foundation "Club Speo Bucovina"
ISBN No: (10)973-8914-08-6 ; (13)978-973-8914-08-7
Publishing: Terra Design, 54p, A4, Suceava, 2006
PDF Avaible at: Nature reserve in Bucovina
Languages: RO and summary EN
Review: This book presentes all 26 protected areas and Calimani National Park from Bucovina in a exemplary graphics and sugestive images from each area. They are presented according to the classification made by the International Union for Nature Conservation (IUCN) and after their specific: one scientific reservation, 7 geological reservations, 3 paleontological reservations, 8 botanical reservations and 6 forest reservations. For each one it is mentioned: location, administrative membership, IUCN category, type of area, size, founding papers, characteristics and historical importance, geological and paleontological content, biological data and access.
One separate chapter is dedicated to and photo album with flora and fauna with scientific and popular names.