"Ecotourism in Tara Dornelor- an instrument for sustainable development"

Period of implementation: May 2009- April 2011

Funder: The project is supported by a grant from Norway through the Norwegian Co-operation Programme for Economic Growth and Sustainable Development.

Partners: Community Based Natural Resource Management – Norway; Association of Ecotourism in Romania

The project aimed to enhance the sustainable, integrated development in 6 communities from Tara Dornelor area through ecotourism and promoting renewable energy.

The first specific objective of the project focused on the key word of ecotourism. In this regard, a comprehensive evaluation of the existing potential of the area and guidelines for future developments was elaborated under the work of "Concept for development of Tara Dornelor ecotourism destination"
A series of trainings followed - local enterprisers interested to develop their capacity of implementing ecotourism, local guides to acquire techniques for nature interpretation, park staff trained to raise its performance in administrating the protected area.
The Association of Ecotourism in Tara Dornelor (AETD) was set-up and assisted to become a representative stakeholder in Calimani Natural Park: some members of the association (guesthouses owners) were assisted how to improve their services to get the "Eco-Romania" certification as a result of ecotourism criteria evaluation, promotion materials (brochures, maps) were printed, a personalised web site was created, not at last AETD was financed to participate at the international tourism fair in Oslo and promote its members.

Simultaneously, the project promoted renewable energy in connection with biodiversity conservation and the attention was focussed on 2 categories of target group: adults and pupils. Specific activities were organised to spread information about renewable energy generally and clean technology easy to implement in households, in particular. The Green Caravans, the sessions of trainings "How to build my own wind mill?" , consultancy/investigations carried out in the area to learn about the local energetic potential, the 4 systems installed in Tara Dornelor are examples of activities to increase the level of interest of local people for the clean energy. In schools, theoretical knowledge was balanced by practical workshops where the pupils learned to build wooden installations which produce energy based on renewable energy (wind and water mills).

o 5 guesthouses eco-certified
o The"12 Apostles" thematic trail improved after maintenance works and 5 illustrated panels installed
o 1 tourist package including "12 Apostles" path and horse riding in Calimani National Park, promoted at an international level
o 7 tourist programmes available for different seasons
o 4 systems installed in Tara Dornelor : 2 wind mills, 1 solar heater with warm air, 1 system based on solar panel.
o 10 demonstrative installations built by pupils used in local schools as didactical materials(wind mills and water mills)
Social networks
o 1 association of local stakeholders: The Association of Ecotourism in Tara Dornelor –AETD-(20 members)
o 1 network of local people with knowledge about building green installations/ general knowledge about green energy
Other results
o Written works/studies -generators of information for new projects
- "Concept for development of Tara Dornelor ecotourism destination"
- "Calimani National Park, Romania: Stakeholder Analysis"
- Investigation in Poiana Stampei: "Sources of energy for households without electricity"
o Materials useful to promote the ecotourism destination of Tara Dornelor
-2000 brochures Discover Tara Dornelor (1000 pcs in English, 1000 pcs in Romanian)
-1000 maps of Tara Dornelor
-1 Web Site http://www.taradornelor.ro, indicating services, programmes, accommodation, attractions, in Tara Dornelor, the presentation of AETD and of ecotourism concept
-1 professional slideshow (500 images)
o Educational materials
- 200 course suports "How to build my own wind mill",
- 200 course supports "The solar heater with warm air"